Estimada familia:
El día viernes 4 de julio realizaremos la evaluación
bimestral correspondiente al 2do bimestre. La misma incluirá los siguientes
temas (Units
3, 4 and 5):
Future: Will vs. Going to
Reflexive pronouns (myself, himself, herself, etc)
Prepositions (on Monday, in the morning, at weekends, etc)
Common verbs + prepositions (to think about, to wake up, to
pay for, etc.)
Phrasal Verbs (give up, look into, put off, etc.)
Relative Pronouns (who/which/that)
Question Tags (aren't you?, does she?, won't you?, etc.)
Vocabulary on: Holidays (canoeing, rock climbing, geocaching, etc.), Adjectives related to
star signs(friendly, happy, determined, energetic, etc.), Places (theatre, castle, exhibition, etc.)
Writing an e-mail to a friend.
Reading & Listening Comprehension
cualquier duda, estamos a su disposición.
Miss Cecilia & Miss Silvana
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